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Roccias Bunkers

In the place called Roccias there are two small bunkers that were build to defend the small plane area between them. They were not specially important nor big. Nevertheless they are interesting because they are still complete besides the missing weapons.
Most of the military structures near the French border were demolished after world war II on request of the winner France that saw them as a danger. This ones for some reasons escaped this fate and has remained visible until today.


Bunker form outside. Spring 2008.


Area in front. Spring 2008.

Bunker entrance

Entrance. Autumn 2008.

barbed wire

Barbed wire. Spring 2008.

Bunker entrance

Entrance detail. About 3m long. Autumn 2008.

Bunker inside
Inside. Autumn 2008.

Machine gun support.
Support for machine gun (should be). Autumn 2008.

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